Through its members, GABA can offer your business access to a wide range of professional, high quality services including business development, market research, legal services, investment information, translation, marketing communication and event organization.
GABA Mission
Fostering and extending trade of Greater Cleveland, Ohio; encouraging wise and needful legislation; opposing the enactment of laws and ordinances prejudicial to the mercantile interest of said city; establishing a common meeting ground for business and professional men and women of German descent where their common welfare may be promoted and their sense of obligation to their own occupation and the community may be developed; collecting and disseminating information valuable to their business among the members of said Corporation; promoting social interaction among its members and their families; engaging in charitable work for the benefit of people in need of social care and doing any and al things necessary and incident thereto; to engage in all activities which said corporation may engage in under Section 1702.01 et. Seq. of the Ohio Revised Code and all activities incidental thereto.
Germany at a Glance
1. Facts and Data
1.1 Basic indicators:
Total area:
357,000 km²
Population 2003:
82.5 Million
Population density:
231 people per km²
EURO (€ )
1.2 Economic situation:
Gross domestic product 2004:
€ 2177 billion
(Increase of 1.8% compared to 2003)
GDP per capita 2004:
€ 25.50
GDP origin (€ billion) 2004:
service companies 113.48
Manufacturing industry 132.33
government, households 156.69
trade & transport 93.,25
agriculture, forestry, fisheries 5.37
construction sector 19.68
Unemployment rate (in %) 2004:
1.3 Total exports 2004:
€ 733 456.5 million
Share of exports 2004:
Type of goods (in € million):
- Cars and Trucks
€ 134,914
- Machinery
€ 102,526
- Chemical Products
€ 94,646
- Electricity generating equipment
€ 36,116
- Communications and TV/radio eq.
€ 36,238
1.4 Total imports 2004:
€ 577,375.3 billion
Main trading partners 2004:
in million €
€ 52,203.8
€ 47,864.7
€ 40,264.7
€ 34,963.5
2. Introduction
The Federal Republic of Germany comprises sixteen federal states. The capital is Berlin.
The German population originates from a number of different tribes, such as the Franks and Saxons, Prussians, Swabians and Bavarians. Today the names of these tribes still can be found in the names of the different states, e.g. Bavaria, Westphalia, Lower Saxony, etc.
Germany's population amounts to almost 83 million people, including approximately 7.3 million foreigners (8.9%).
The federal system ensures a balance between the power of the central government and the 16 states, which have their own constitution as well as to some extent legislative, judicial and administrative powers. The states are taking care of the development of their own economies and industries. Therefore different states of Germany may simultaneously be joining and supporting their companies at trade fairs and exhibitions in the United Arab Emirates.
3. Market Economy
The Federal Republic of Germany is one of the major industrial counties in the world. In terms of overall economic performance it holds the fourth, with regard to worked trade the third place.
Since the Second World War Germany's economic system has developed into a socially responsible market economy through macroeconomic management and its integration in the market of the European Community. Similar to the United Arab Emirates there are no exchange controls on ordinary foreign currency transactions in Germany, but for statistical purposes the Central Bank has to be informed of transfers to and from the country.
The German government does not directly interfere in the economy, but is guiding it on a low level. The government porvi3des various incentives, including investment grants and subsidies, tax incentives such as accelerated depreciation and financial assistance through long-term loans at favourable interest rates to assist certain territories and industries.
4. Financial Sector
Since the Second World War Germany enjoyed low inflation as well as low interest rates.
Germany has eight stock exchanges, Frankfurt/Main being the largest. The most important ones are situated in Frankfurt, Düsseldorf and Hamburg. Shares of more than 120 foreign countries are officially listed on the Frankfurt stock exchange.
5. Industries
The backbone of the German economy is industry. However, the service sector is gaining increasingly more importance. This results from a structural shift in economy and workforce. During the last 25 years, the workforce in there service, trade and transport sectors increased by 27% to 10.8 million employees.
Over 51,700 enterprises are situated in Germany. Only about 2% are large companies with more than 1000 employees. The majority of the enterprises are medium sized. However, large companies and account for 50% of the industrial turnover employ about half of the 12.4 million strong industrial workforce of Germany.
Germany is well known for high quality products. The main industrial branches are vehicle manufacturing, mechanical engineering, the chemical industry as well as the aircraft and aerospace industry. In recent years Germany has become a leading country in the field of environmental protection. Despite Germany being a major industrial nation, the country notably poor in natural resources and is therefore dependant on the import of large quantities of crude oil, natural gas, copper, bauxite, manganese and rock phosphate.
6. Environment
For Germany, as one of the most densely populated countries in Europe (231 inhabitants per km2) the protection of the environment has become one of the most urgent tasks. The excessive strain on the environment and the resulting damage are caused by a variety of factors, including population density, a high degree of industrialization and the careless treatment of nature.
Ecological damage may be prevented by policies encouraging the set-up of industries in an environmentally responsible way as well as by making the originator of such damage liable for its negligence. Environmental problems in Germany can mostly be solved in co-operation and mutual understanding between the state, the industry and the public, which over the past few decades has become increasingly aware of the problems caused by industrial pollution.
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