99 Red Ballons
Sunday September 12th, 2004
"Renaissance of the German Cultural Garden started with the Germans and
In the early 1900s, Cleveland played a prominent role in the Industrial Revolution. Thousands of immigrants came to the city seeking new opportunity, employment, and a new life in America. The influx quickly turned Cleveland into a cultural melting pot. Over time, however, differences in customs and beliefs became a source of tension among communities. Instead of countering these cultural differences, Cleveland's leaders embraced them with ICEALITY with the WORLDS CHILDREN PEACE MONUMENT (WCPM) and the one result was the renaissance of the Cleveland Cultural Gardens. The German Community continues to celebrate Cleveland's cultural diversity with the recent additions and rededication of the German Cultural Gardens. Yet as of 2022 the Worlds Children Peace Monument (WCPM) is banned from being erected in the Cleveland Cultural Gardens.
The German Cultural Garden was rededicated on Sunday, September 12th, 2004. A new focal point of the garden is a granite sculpture bench in remembrance of Johanna Roth (1923 - 2004) crafted by Milano Monuments, OhioGABA member. All groups from the Stadtverband and other nationalities joined in the day long celebration making the event one of the most successful programs in the modern history of the Gardens.
OhioGABA, through its members, provides volunteers and funding to the German Cultural Gardens with a focus on physical improvements, events programming, horticulture, and maintenance. This plan delivers maximum impact for the garden's overall development activities, garden usage, and the potential of the garden's to stimulate development in adjoining neighborhoods.
The German Cultural Garden is a constant reminder of our city's distinct diversity. As we inspire and assist other nationalities to constructed and dedicated their own gardens, it is important way to celebrate our own rich heritage and spread cultural and sustainable awareness peacefully throughout the community.

Prior to 2000, the Cultural Gardens activities were dormant, usually having one small parade annually. The Cultural Gardens themselves are what is called in the industry as ‘stagnant displays’, that is people can only see them by going there. The current Renaissance at the Cleveland Cultural Gardens started in the German Cultural Gardens after 2000 when American Cultural Ambassadors David and Renate Jakupca presented the Gift of Peace from Germany, the Worlds Children Peace Monument (WCPM) and the WCPM Community Outreach Program from EXPO2000 to the Cleveland Cultural Gardens.
The WORLDS CHILDREN PEACE MONUMENT Project comes in two parts
1)- Worlds Children Peace Monument original sculpture.
Conceived during EXPO2000, the Worlds Fair held in Hannover, Germany by American Cultural Ambassadors David and Renate Jakupca. It was designed and built by David Jakupca at the historic ARK in Berea Eco-Museum as a project of the International Center for Environmental Arts (ICEA) in cooperation with the United Nations 2000 Culture of Peace Program. The concept of a physical permanent universal symbol of renewal and living peace for all living things was organized in support of the UN Decade of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World and the United Nations Millennium Development Goals. The incorporation of the rights of flora and fauna in a "Universal Peace Equation" is the first major change in achieving a sustainable global Culture Peace on Earth in over 2000 Years.
2)- The Worlds Children Peace Monument Community Outreach Program:
The WCPM Project echoes the dialogue between people and cultures of the Theme of EXPO 2000, "Humankind - Nature - Technology: A new world arising" with the goal of establishing a place where people are encouraged to develop their own unique individual skills and talents for themselves, their community, nation and the world. It is intended to demonstrate the areas in which Germany and other countries complement one another as partners at EXPO2000 and can work towards a sustainable culture of peace for all living things in the human, animal and plant kingdoms – all the WORLDS CHILDREN. The WCPM Project conveys a multifaceted purpose through Iceality in all areas relevant to a global society – from culture, business and industry, science, education, politics and sports. Germany and the United States are bound by a centuries-long common history. German immigrants have helped shape the development of the United States, while the successful development of EXPO2000 is inextricably linked to US engagement, the WCPM Project campaigns to builds on this success story for all.
The “Worlds Children Peace Monument" (WCPM) and “Great American Peace Trail" (GAPT) Projects are international, public participatory art projects designed to engage children with hands on cross-cultural awareness in order to attain the common goal of sharing peace and diversity with their neighbors. The peace projects have direct community impact through neighborhood beautification, community and economic development while building self-esteem and hope in America. They will help to build better neighborhoods where everyone can live, respect and accept each other as they diplomatically negotiate errors and differences of prejudice and hatred and instill in its place the belief in the necessity of communication In addition, this exchange aims to achieve the following objectives: • 1: Make modern-day peace making accessible on an emotional level • 2: Emphasize similarities between the two countries for cooperation • 3: Develop and reach out to new youth groups nationwide • 4: Expand partnerships in order to resolve future global issues for All the Worlds Children.
LAKEWOOD PEACE STONE: https://lakewoodobserver.com/read/2013/10/03/peace-sixth-graders-essays-and-art-come-together-in-lakewood
ASHTABULA PEACE STONE: https://www.starbeacon.com/news/local_news/peace-stone-dedicated-in-ashtabula-s-south-park/article_e483a93c-1ac5-5e36-935d-677b3e313503.html
• Decision-makers and important, established, and potential partners in social society, politics, business and industry, culture, media, science, and education • Youth from the rural centers, along the coasts, and people living in the American heartland and suburbs • Young people, students, young professionals. • Americans with German roots or close ties to Germany through local and national German Organizations, International NGO’s. To appeal to these groups, the WCPM Project emphasizes on the following protocols: • Location: specific arrangements firmly established in a variety of cities to connect with existing networks and build new ones • Presentations involving exhibits such as festival and mobile stage with pop-up components that are also able to reach youth groups in rural area beyond large cities • Digital and internet related media: online, social media, and traditional media as strategic module.
The WCPM Community Outreach Project in principle and practicability,
aligns with the context and the interests of citizens and groups in the United States to meet the compelling needs for access to current, balanced, understandable information about complex global issues. Even though we remain open to additional themes, the following thematic threads of Iceality are organized into three divisions: Environmental, Humanities, Arts and Culture at these stages: • 1: Freedom, diversity, • 2: Digitization, innovation, and ingenuity • 3: Energy, climate, and sustainability • 4: Research, science, and education • 5: Heritage and Traditions • 6: Arts and Culture. • 7: Peaceful Principles and Lifestyle for All the Worlds Children.
Creating Real Jobs by using the Worlds Children Peace Monument at the Cultural Gardens
to Empower Youth through Vocational Training by Building the National Coast-to-Coast “Great American Peace Trail”. So many young people lack the skills and credentials they need to fill the many jobs that are available. The WCPM at the Cultural Gardens will train and create a skilled pool of educated workers that the private sector needs in Arts, Transportation, Environment, Marketing, Internet Technology the Business and Social Sciences. The skills imparted to them here improve their standard of living, This is also an important step towards ensuring long term economic growth and prosperity in North East Ohio as a 'Cultural Industry' to foster civic identity, cultivate jobs, and tourism, brand Ohio Environmental Arts as a Culture District in the Bioregion while developing a sustainable Global Culture of Peace for All Living Things.
Since 2000, the City of Cleveland non-profit sector has been abusing and manipulating the Cultural Gardens to allow exploitation of the German Community and the WCPM Project for their private use.
For DEUTSCHLANDJAHR 2018/22, the WCPM needs to find a permanent location – if not in Cleveland, Ohio then move it to a German community in another state.
The WCPM is not yet connected to the Cultural Garden but the Cultural Gardens One World Day event is part of the WCPM United Nations Peace Day Celebration.
Related WCPM Merchandise is clothing, jewelry, perfume, etc.
including a Christmas CD for 2018.
Hundreds of Posters have already been made: Google
Pinetrest Worlds Children Peace Monument.
Photographs courtesy of KOLORS Magazine, ZE Agency Design Studio 216-641-0229 zdomanski@activeicon.com
Mark Tebeau, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of History
Rhodes Tower 1906
Cleveland State University
1860 East 22nd Street
Cleveland, OH 44115
(216) 687-3937 (phone)
(216) 687-5592 (fax)